The Pisces & The Scorpio (6)


The Scorpio In Love
9 min readNov 24, 2023

The Truth About Your Zodiac Sign: 🌞 →→ CLICK HERE

Astrology Answers: 🌙 →→ CLICK HERE

True Love Answers — Tarot Reading: ⭐ →→ CLICK HERE


I started liking Isabel hard and fast. And she was right there trying to keep up. When reading our past texts, I feel like publishing each one so it can be understood the things that were said between us. I’m trying to transcribe the relevant ones. We also had so much more in person, which I’m also trying to describe. But because of where her and I are now, sometimes I just feel she was saying what I wanted to hear. Like it was all a fantasy for her. Older guy and younger woman or businessman/landlord and tenant. I hate thinking that. I’ve always been a very secure person. I never let girls get to me in a way that has me feeling insecure or a victim of anything. My ego has always protected me and made sure I had the upper hand and am in control. Isabel continued to say all of the cutest and sexiest things. But she also had an issue with not explaining anything before it happened. And I need that. I have to know what’s going on and have details about everything. It’s one of my downfalls.



The Scorpio In Love

The Scorpio loved The Pisces with all of his heart. But The Scorpio destroyed The Pisces. So The Pisces ran away from The Scorpio.